War Commitment

War Commitment


Oh! I can hear the cry of the war there,

but if someone dies no one care.

Two armies against each other,

fighting for their own mother.

Sound of the guns blazing all over,

with panzer, nade, artillery in reserve, I doubt it will last forever.

From far I can see a man over there,

who is crippling in despair.

A wounded leg and a broken hand;

makes him feel the pain for his homeland.

My thoughts strayed for a few moments,

for the dead soldiers, there is no one to lament.

My heart is bleeding for that brave officer;

so I asked him “If I can do anything for you Sir?”

After listening to my question he simply denies.

But I can clearly see a silver lining in his eyes.

With a slight suspension he said to me,

“Can you see a man lying there near the tree,

he was used to be my best friend;

as he took the bullet on his chest that was shot to mark my end.

So a commitment to be fulfilled;

that I made to him before he was killed.

To look after his family as mine:

if you promise me to do so, then I will be fine.”

For a second I’m in a state of surprise,

because I never met a person so nice.

So I promise him your commitment my obligation,

which I will do with my full dedication.

A smile on his face to adore,

such a gentleman I have never seen before.

As my image in his eyes starts to blur;

with a sinking heart I asked him “Are you alright SIR?”

In a low voice he replied “Now it’s time to take a flight.”

He can feel the cold and darkness in bright sunlight.

As he slowly closes his eye,

he taught me the lesson of my life before he chooses to die.


- Utkarsh Goel


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