Crossing the Tunnel

Far flung I can see a tunnel,

But to reach there I have to struggle.

The trail that was made full of detours,

A guiding light but still obscure.


It’s Twilight, it’s Frosty, it’s Frigid,

But right now, nothing can make me timid.

Uncharted whether it leads to Heaven or Hell,

There is no one for me to tell.


Ebulliently leading the road blindly,

Oblivious of what’s waiting on the other side resignedly.

Perhaps a thought came in my mind,

That momentarily made me pined.

Whether it will give a reason to thrive,

Or take away the last wheeze to live.


Slowly but surely reaching the harbor,

Because I’m not the one who is a scarper.

It’s quite dark far from a glimpse of sunshine,

Feels like everyman in their home quarantine.


Though eventually I reached the subway,

To my bewilderment there is no such way.

Before I can perceive a notion of my head,

My nightmare end that made me dread.


It’s 10 o’clock sharp in the morning,

The sun was out and it’s quite warming.

Ambivalent of what happened last night,

I’m still in a state of plight.


I tried hard to recall what happened,

But the word “TUNNEL” made me stunned.

What’s waiting at end still remains a question,

A road to success or a dead end, just a perception

One can feel “Crossing that Tunnel” is a misery,

But to me it will always remain as unsolved mystery.


                                                                                         -UTKARSH GOEL


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